Divide and Conquer: International Women's Day: Promoting Gender War
Mental Illness: Is pouring drain cleaner in your eyes the next trendy social justice movement?
Invasion domination: German Town Of 100 Gets Enriched By 750 Migrants.
When you earn it!: Entitled German illegals, "When will I get my house and car?".
Slaves don't need rights: Video shows school officials shredding "oppressive" pocket Constitutions.
Teach fear. Obey the State: Student waving stapler prompts Southbridge School lockdown.
Jesus, "Sell your cloak and buy a sword": Disney spawn shames Christian gun owners.
The NWO hates strong men: VA tells Florida veterans they're dead, cuts off benefits.
Mental Illness: Video shows Yale student shrieking at Prof for denying her "Safe Space".
Going down, down, down: Germany to lower educational standards for benefit Of "migrants".
Not if you die first, scum: Muslims in Germany say that "Your children will pray to Allah or die".
Paying for lunacy: Study claims EPA's Clean Power Plan may hike electricity prices in 47 states.
Mental Illness: Fourth grader threatened with Sexual Harassment charges for writing love letter.
Nothing to hide? Live in a glass house then: Report finds that phone apps regularly "spy on users".
Generation of slaves: Apple boss says the next generation of kids "will not know what money is".
Pull your head out of those devices: You now have a shorter attention span than a Goldfish.
The State fights like a girl: Schools fight against 5-year-olds using 'sexist' language.
Mental Illness: The Word 'Too' Is Sexist and Hurts Women.
I'm so shocked. (sarcasm): 1 in 4 Swedish women are raped, a 500% increase, primarily by Muslims.
Imagine that: European women scramble for guns due to rape fears from so-called "refugees".
I've said it for many years: America Has Become What the Founders Sought to Destroy
Mental Illness: Band students suspended over "racist" fruit basket.
Pop culture: Five "Back to the Future" Big Brother predictions that came true.
First, cow farts. Next, pumpkins!: Energy Department smashes pumpkins for causing climate change.
Citizens be damned!: 'Migrants' stay at 4 star hotel, while poor Germans lose their homes.
Such a civilized bunch: Horror as Christian 'migrant' 'brutally beaten with baton in refugee camp'.
Mental Illness: EPA warns that sunlight is dangerous to plants.
Fighting windmills: School suspends student elections, because not enough minorities won.
Hilarious, install cowcatcher and plow them: Illegals shut down English Channel Tunnel
Your typical Gun Control supporter: Americans who want guns should be shot first.
Should be obvious: How Gun Control made England the most violent country in Europe.
Naive sheep let them in: 'Convert or die' ISIS graffiti jihadis declare first European 'caliphate'
Mental Illness: Goodbye to 'he' and 'she' and hello to 'ze'?
Enjoy your new, REAL "Rape Culture": Migrants' Rape Epidemic in Germany
Mental Illness: MTV's deranged Laci Green says you're sexist if you hate selfies.
Logic hurts the ignorant: Harvard Gun-control study destroys the Gun-control agenda.
Even a squirrel stashes nuts: The numbers say that a major Global Recession has already begun.
Funding war criminals: Rights group says US-backed Kurds displacing Arabs in Syria.
Tis obvious to a free man: Jerusalem mayor calls on residents to carry guns.
No shit Sherlock: EU Diplomat says that his Government 'Believes Obama Is Quite Mentally Unwell'.
Who protects its right to live?: Amazing video shows babies 'SINGING' in the womb.
Fighting terrorists vs arming them: Russian Air Force destroys 29 ISIS camps in Syria in 24 hours.